Glass windows in Grossmünster Church

Grossmünster church

Grossmünster Church, located in Zurich, Switzerland, is not only an architectural marvel but also a treasure trove of stunning stained glass windows. These windows are an integral part of the church’s rich history, providing a vibrant display of color, artistry, and religious symbolism. They reflect the evolution of art across centuries, blending medieval craftsmanship with modern interpretations.

Medieval Stained Glass

The original stained glass windows of Grossmünster date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. These windows, characterized by their deep, rich hues and intricate designs, were created using traditional techniques. Scenes from the Bible, particularly those depicting the life of Christ, dominate these medieval windows. The use of bold colors like ruby red and cobalt blue, combined with detailed narrative panels. Hence, they helped to convey religious stories to the congregation, many of whom were illiterate at the time.

Modern Additions

In the 20th century, the church was restored significantly, during which modern stained glass windows were put up. The most notable of these are the windows by Swiss artist Augusto Giacometti in 1932. Giacometti’s windows, in the choir, are special for their abstract designs and use of vibrant colors that contrast sharply with the older, more subdued medieval windows. These modern additions breathe new life into the church, providing a contemporary interpretation of religious themes.

Sigmar Polke’s Windows

Another significant contribution to Grossmünster’s stained glass collection is the series of windows by the German artist Sigmar Polke in 2009. Polke’s windows, installed in the nave, are unique in that they incorporate both traditional stained glass techniques and modern elements. His designs feature semi-abstract patterns that suggest biblical scenes, rendered in a mix of translucent and opaque glass. Hence, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow within the church.


The stained glass windows of Grossmünster Church are a testament to the enduring legacy of religious art. They bridge the past and the present, offering visitors a visual journey through the history of stained glass, from medieval craftsmanship to modern artistry.

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